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Developers and designers of innovative, reliable and market-oriented electronic components have to consider many things at the same time.

This includes meeting functional requirements, selecting suitable materials and minimizing power losses. They must always keep costs and feasibility in mind. It's good that there are tools that make developers' work easier and faster.

One example of this is our LiWiCalc®, which we specified in collaboration with Fraunhofer IISB for selected PACK HF Litz Wire. The innovative calculation tool is currently the fastest and most accurate software for calculating all dominant power losses on realistic Litz Wire geometries based on real production data.

LiWiCalc® helps, for example, with the design of chokes, coils and transformers to create systems with low costs, the highest power density and the highest level of precision.

This is how you can find the right Litz Wire with LiWiCalc®:
- Select HF Litz Wire
- Specify operation current
- Specify H field
- Start evaluation
- Download PDF

Do you also want to relax?
Then you should try our calculator now at Calculator | PACK LitzWire